Corporate Liability Waiver Insurance (CLWI)

Visa Signature Business and Platinum Business cardholders are protected by employers against unauthorized use of corporate cards.

CLWI covers:

  • payment of individual bills if the company has transferred the money to the bank but cannot receive reimbursement from the employee;
  • accounts for which the company transferred money to the bank, but cannot receive reimbursement from the employee;
  • individual accounts for which the company reimbursed the employee, but the employee did not pay the bank;
  • unauthorized payments;
  • issuing a corporate card to temporary staff or contractors.

Insurance coverage amounts:

  • $25 000 – to the cardholder
  • $1 650 000 – to the company

If an employee with a corporate Visa card makes a fraudulent transaction, and the company is unable to recover those charges from the employee, it may disclaim liability for such transactions.

You only need to provide written notification of the transactions for which you are disclaiming responsibility, including the following information:

Our company would like to waive responsibility for X transaction on card #XXX for X amount because this employee has already been reimbursed for these charges.

By physical address:
Crawford and Company
Jan Olieslagerslaan 41
B-1800 Vilvoorde
Brussels, Belgium

By email:
[email protected]

By phone:
0207 528 4642


The company has 45 days to provide detailed proof of damages.

After filling out the claim application and submitting it to the international service company that provides emergency assistance, the company has minimal further involvement as the claim is handled by the complaints department.

No more information from the issuer is required.