Visa Offers and Perks Marketing Control

Edit captions, backgrounds, and offers

Latino Dragon


Customize Perks Group

Double-click to edit Customize Perk Groups Configuration

Highlight Filter & Offer Keyword Groups

Double-click to edit Offer Keyword Groups Configuration
# Caption Value
1 Filter Title
2 View More Text
3 Register or login
4 Distance Label
5 Kilometer Label
6 Current Location Text
7 Search Location Text
8 Display Away Text
9 Search Input Box PlaceHolder Text

Offer Details - Steps


Steps Restricted Coupon

Double-click to edit Offer Image Text Details Configuration

Steps Restricted

Double-click to edit Offer Image Text Details Configuration

Steps Open

Double-click to edit Offer Image Text Details Configuration

Steps Open Partner Enroll

Double-click to edit Offer Image Text Details Configuration

Steps Open Coupon

Double-click to edit Offer Image Text Details Configuration

Steps Telefone Whatsapp Coupon

Double-click to edit Offer Image Text Details Configuration

Steps Card Activation Mobile

Double-click to edit Offer Image Text Details Configuration

Steps Restricted Present

Double-click to edit Offer Image Text Details Configuration

Steps Benefits

Double-click to edit Offer Image Text Details Configuration

Steps Open Benefit Coupon

Double-click to edit Offer Image Text Details Configuration

Offers management


Featured offers

Double-click to edit Featured Offers Configuration

Marquee Offers

Double-click to edit slide configuration

Offer Card Configuration

Double-click to edit offer card configuration

Custom Special Offers

Double-click to edit slide configuration

Sort offers

Double-click to edit Sort Offers Configuration


Double-click to edit Personalization toggle

Excluded offers

Double-click to edit Excluded Offers Configuration

Time Zone

Double-click to edit Time Zone Configuration

Offers Filters management


Filter selection

Double-click to edit Offers Filters Configuration

Card Product Type

Double-click to edit Offers Card Product Type Configuration

Card Payment Type

Double-click to edit Offers Card Payment Type Configuration

Offers Card Product Type Badges management


Offers Card Product Type Badges

Double-click to edit Offers Card Product Type Batch Configuration

Offers Captions

# Caption Value
1 Page Heading Text
2 Page Heading Text (Commercial Offers)
3 Page heading Description Text (Consumer Offers)
4 Campaign Page heading Description Text(Consumer Offers) Double-click to edit Page Heading Offers Configuration
5 Page heading Description Text (Commercial Offers)
6 Campaign Page heading Description Text(Commercial Offers) Double-click to edit Page Heading Offers Configuration
7 Select Category Text
8 Select Redemption Country Text:
9 Select Card Product Text:
10 Select Redemption Channel Text:
11 Select Payment Type Text:
12 Search Placeholder:
13 Sort condition Default Text
14 Offer Valid for Card Products Text
15 Sort condition - Recently Added Text
16 Sort condition - Merchant Name Ascending Text
17 Sort condition - Merchant Name Descending Text
18 Sort condition - Featured Offer First Text
19 Sort condition - Ending Soon Text
20 More Options Text
21 Fewer Options Text
22 Valid Card Types Text
23 Redemption Channel Text
24 Search by Text
25 Visa Signature Text
26 Featured Offer Text
27 Main Section Title Offers Introduction
28 Main Section Title Offers Filters
29 Main Section Title Offers List
30 Main Aria Filter Categories
31 Main Aria Filter Redemption Countries
32 Main Aria Filter Card Products
33 Main Aria Filter Redemption Channels
34 Main Aria Filter Payment Type
35 Main Aria Filter Search
36 Main Meta Description
37 Main Meta Description (Commercial Offers)
38 Main Meta Keywords
39 Main Meta Keywords (Commercial Offers)
40 Main Meta Search Description
41 Main Meta thumbnail
42 No Offer Message
43 Main Title
44 Main Title (Commercial Offers)
45 Details premium offers "Redeem now" text
46 Pop up title premium offers form text for 6 Digits
47 Pop up title premium offers form text for 9 Digits
48 Pop up title premium offers form text for 16 Digits
49 Enter valid card premium offer text for 6 Digits
50 Enter valid card premium offer text for 9 Digits
51 Enter valid card premium offer text for 16 Digits
52 Pop up bin form label
53 Pop up pan form label
54 Pop up premium submit button
55 Pop up premium offers error text
56 Details premium offers "View details" text
57 Enter valid card premium offer text
58 Pop up details premium "View details" text
59 Pop up premium offer details error text
60 Offer listing view more button
61 Merchant modal open button
Caption Value
Details link "Get now" text
Details link "View Details" text
Details link "View all offers" text
Details link "Redeem now" text
Details link "Get directions" text
Details Section Title Header
Details Section Title Mobile Description
Details Section Title Offer Details
Details Section Title Redeem
Details Section Title Terms
Details Section Title Recommended Offers
Details header details
Details header terms and conditions
Details header "how to redeem" text
Details header "redeem now" text
Details header "redeem by phone" text
Details header "redeem in store" text
Details header "locations" text
Details header "Related Offers" text
Detail "text offer valid from" text
Details text "redeem now" text
Details text "redeem by phone" text
Details text "redeem code" text
Details text "redeem barcode" text
Barcode image alt tag
Details text "redeem QR code" text
QR code image alt tag
Details Meta Keywords (merchant name will be appended)
Details Meta Keywords (merchant name will be appended) (Commercial Offers)
Details Meta thumbnail
"Take me to website" text (authenticated multiple redeem code text)
"You have been logged out" text(authenticated multiple redeem code text)
"Sign in to continue" text (authenticated multiple redeem code text)
"There are no codes available at this time." text (authenticated multiple redeem code text)
Details "Create profile" text
Details "Log in" text
Details "Please sign in to view complete details" text
Details description "Terms and conditions apply" text
Premium Offers section title text
Regular Offers section title text
Error Message (When user doesn't have the right PAN for restricted offers)
CTA display when user doesn't have eligible PAN/BIN
Main Title details
Redeem Code Title
Caption Value
Merchant logo alt tag
Offer image alt tag

Commercial Background Image and Color

Edit background image for Desktop
Please select from DAM with image size 1600px X 1600px.

Edit background image for Mobile
Please select from DAM with image size 640px X 640px.

Edit background color code Please update the background color code

Consumer Background Image and Color

Edit background image for Desktop
Please select from DAM with image size 1600px X 1600px.

Edit background image for Mobile
Please select from DAM with image size 640px X 640px.

Edit background color code Please update the background color code

Edit color palette

Double-click to edit color palette

Offers Account Customization Experience for Consumer

Double-click to edit account customized Offers experience configurations

Offers Account Customization Experience for Commercial

Double-click to edit account customized Offers experience configurations