• Tap to Phone converts a regular smartphone into a payment terminal!

    Pay easily and contactlessly with Visa technology.

All in One Solution for Your Business!

Take advantage of the convenient solution from banks and partners — the Tap to Phone technology from Visa, available on iOS and Android, which turns your smartphone into a payment terminal.

The solution allows you to accept contactless payments in one touch with fiscalization, warehouse accounting, digital storefront, tipping services and other trading opportunities.

Accept payments conveniently, quickly and securely. Read the list of all banks and partners and the advantages of the solution they offer.

  • The App has software for fiscalizing checks
  • Ability to connect the Terminal App online.

Advantages of Tap to Phone technology

Improving customer focus:

  • ability to accept cashless payments at a convenient time and place convenient for the client
  • ability to return goods with a check issued¹
  • possibility to postpone the check and serve another client¹
  • possibility to accept any payments with fiscalization.¹


  • no expenses for equipment rental.
Woman designing clothes

Simplified business management:

  • no additional equipment required other than an iOS-based or Android-based smartphone.
  • the fiscal software is already integrated, no need to install additional applications on the smartphone.

Easy connection:

  • application download and setup are done online.


What is fiscalization?

Fiscalization is the process of using a cash register to transmit data on financial transactions to the tax system.

Applications from banks and partners based on Visa's Tap to Phone technology provide fiscalization and accounting for various types of payments, sales analytics, and integration with accounting systems.

This allows small and medium-sized businesses to reduce costs on equipment and maintenance, providing a convenient solution to accept any payments with fiscalization.

Business categories for which Tap to Phone technology is relevant


Service sector (coffee shops, beauty salons, gyms, dental and veterinary clinics)


Street trade, markets, mobile sales points


Business with own courier delivery


Notaries, lawyers, insurance agents


Taxi drivers, freelancers, craftsmen

How Tap to Phone technology works


Find out about the availability of the service from partner banks and other program participants.